+233 0302 917 430, +233 244 756 145 info@ippgafrica.org

What We Do

As an independent international development think tank, we are dedicated to informing policymaking in African countries. We achieve this through a variety of initiatives:

  • Research Projects: We are committed to conducting interdisciplinary, independent, and empirical research studies addressing critical policy issues in Africa.
  •  Research Publications: We disseminate our findings and insights through policy briefs, case studies, and research reports. Our publications are crafted to bridge the gap between empirical research and practical policy applications.
  • Advocacy: We assemble expert and youth groups to advocate for specific policy solutions. Our advocacy initiatives are rooted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to promote sustainable growth across various sectors of the African economy.
  • Events: Our events offer a platform for open discussion among diverse stakeholders to encourage innovative dialogues and collaborations for policy implementation.
  • Capacity Building: Our flagship capacity-building program, the Young Diplomats of Ghana (YDG), is dedicated to nurturing and developing the next generation of African leaders and diplomats.

Research Priorities (2024-2029)

  • Climate Change, Renewable Energy, & Energy Access
  • Law and Development
  • Health Policy & Governance